Monday, April 18, 2011

Mural project for a School's Yard

Busy as I was with my Colour for Your Home Consultant Certification at Sensationalcolor, I had given up writing in my blogs for an essential lack of time. Now that I have finished my Winter Class, here I am with a very special project I did in 2010-11. This is  a Mural Project to decorate a concret wall in a yard at the school  where I work, in Moià (Barcelona, SPAIN). I began it in summertime and delivered my work in January. I tried to capture the colours that we can find in nature in different yearly Seasons. Then I translated them into an imagined landscape that shows the Seasons in the same order in which we enjoy them at School, from September to June. From the left of the image to its right we go from Autumn to Summer. And from the bottom to the top of the wall are represented the colours from earth to sky, also according to the Seasons. Here is the final sketch:

This is the wall to be painted:

I picked colours from photos that I had shot in all the annual Seasons and I produced this first messy colour palette ( I have a bit more of phtoshop knowledge right now, but this is a little bit naïve and I love it, between us...) :

After that I translated colours to printable ones  in Pantone Solid Coated, and I arranged seasonal groups and a colour palette for every Season. I have used many colours -not all of them- in the final project. Here you are my Seasonal Colour Palettes:

Winter colour palette, La Colorista

Spring colour palette, La Colorista .

Summer colour palette, La Colorista

Autumn colour palette, La Colorista

As unluckily we are suffering a tough economical recession, our annual  School's budget has currently been reduced about a twenty per cent and we don't know when the mural will be painted. But pupils, parents and my peer teachers seem to love the project and want it done as it is. So I'm feeling happy!!! What else could I ask for?

My next goal is specialising in colour for Architectural Exteriors. Will it be possible for me to fly to USA in 2012? I'd love to!


  1. I absolutely love it! How lucky these children are to be exposed to beauriful cokor every day.

  2. Thank you for commenting, Teresa! I hope to be able to assist to your seminar on Architectural Color in a not far future!

  3. Just Wonderful, IdY...Gracias, merci, thank YOU for sharing this fascinating project.
    Good Luck to complete it!
    (PS- we have an exhibit on Balencia, at the De Young Museum her in San Francisco, showing the cultural influences of Spain, its history, people, art...on his clothing designs.
    Truly marvelous..and WILD! Pure magic...he lives on! Encore!!!)

  4. Thank you so much, Debra!!! Your encouragement is most welcome:)
    I love Balenciaga's clothing designs, you are lucky to be able to visit this exhibit!

  5. Wow Isabel you've been busy. I'm truly impressed. The school project will happen, it's just a matter of time, and then, just think, you will get to see your art everyday, put your name to it, and feel proud. Congrats.

  6. Thank you, Lynne!

    This will be painted by pupils so I gues we will need organizing very well!
    I did that for pleasure and am very happy with the results, I confess...
