Saturday, December 8, 2012

Tiffany's Christmas Window Displays in Barcelona

Yesterday I went to Barcelona and had a walk along Passeig the Gràcia, where you can find some well known Luxury Brands like Chanel, Loewe and many more. 

Since I signed up for Instagram and Tumblr, I have become used to chase images of things I love with my mobile device. It's light, it's easy and it helps networking.I love  chasing colors, and I love chasing Window Displays, since you can learn a lot from them. I confess I didn't know we have a Tiffany&Co in Barcelona, and I was amazed at their Christmas Window Display

Tiffany Barcelona
by IdY (Isabel de Yzaguirre), La Colorista.

They are like a window into a home, where someone has prepared a wonderful present wrapped in, what else could it be? A wonderful Tiffany Blue wrapping paper.

Tiffany Barcelona
by IdY (Isabel de Yzaguirre), La Colorista.

I learnt from haft2, that Richard Moore is the Visual Merchandiser who has designed this beautiful displays. According to him, each window ”reveals a glimpse into the precious moments families celebrate during the holiday season, with love and romance.”As long as I could see yesterday, they have diplayed the same concept in Barcelona, and I love it!

Tiffany Barcelona
by IdY (Isabel de Yzaguirre), La Colorista.

This precious displays remember me of the Catalan tradition of building diorama in Christmas. And what is a diorama? According to "it is 1.a scene, often in miniature, reproduced in three dimensions by placing objects, figures, etc., in front of a painted background. 2.a life-size display representing a scene from nature, a historical event, or the like, using stuffed wildlife, wax figures, real objects, etc., in front of a painted or photographed background. 3.a spectacular picture, partly translucent, for exhibition through an aperture, made more realistic by various illuminating devices. 4.a building or room, often circular, for exhibiting such a scene or picture, esp. as a continuous unit along or against the walls."

Tiffany Barcelona
by IdY (Isabel de Yzaguirre), La Colorista.

We use to reproduce scenes from the Bible and the birth of Jesus in the Christmas Season. Every artisan makes his or her own dioram and we celebrate Exhibits and Contests. And we love to go to watch the wonderful small sceneries made with all kind of details. I wonder if the Tiffany team did know about that?

Tiffany Barcelona
by IdY (Isabel de Yzaguirre), La Colorista.
My son is the best jewel!

I never thought a blue could be so warm as Tiffany's. I find it a precious hue for Christmas, and I confess I crave for Tiffany Blue. Not for diamonds, but yes for something bearing this jewelled color.

Merry Christmas Season to everybody!
With Love from

Isabel de Yzaguirre,
La Colorista.


  1. doncs,
    m'agrada que es vegin els reflexos de qui hi ha per l'entorn, com un mirall, itambé ets protagonuista

  2. Gràcies, Joan. A mi també m'agrada que es vegi l'entorn. Vaig accentura una mica les llums i ombres, i prou. Els aparadors de Tiffany són iguals a tot el món, però aquestes fotos són úniques: no són professionals i estan ubicades als seu lloc concret, Barcelona. I tenen una part de mi, la meva mirada particular...

  3. Dear Isabel,

    Thank you so much for posting those pictures. The Chandelier inside the room was either made by or enhanced with Swarovski crystals by Rosel's Chandeliers. (That would be my Mother and I.) We make miniature lights for miniature homes and were delighted when one of our Miniature Store Customers contacted us about this order. We made a total of 154 lamps for displays all over. It is wonderful to see our work in so many places.

    Merry Christmas!


    1. Dear Monica:

      thank you so much for letting me know these amazing details. I will add this information to the post if you let me, and link back to Rosel's Chandeliers if possible. You see, your work reached Barcelona!
      You are very welcome.
      Merry Christmas!
