Saturday, August 29, 2015

News and Projects with Marta Aymerich and some changes in La Colorista®

This year I haven't written much in this blog, and this isn't good at all, at least for marketing oneself... But summer vacation is a good time for keeping in touch and here I go!

Today I'm presenting my good friend  Marta Aymerich, from Marta Aymerich Emotional Comunication. She is a great designer, from head to toe: her designs are fresh, clean and contemporary and so is she!  

Kate Smith  put us in touch in 2011, and from that day a good friendship has been growing between the two of us. Currently we are collaborating in very encouraging projects  and I want to present her to you:

Image by Humberto Pérez Padilla, ARTIST.

This image was taken last July in a meeting where we  worked on Colour and Design Trends for a Hospitality Project. Our meetings are very productive, truly creative brainstorming sessions that fill us with awe and joy! In that case, my part was investigating Colour, Food, Consumer and Restaurant Design Trends -as you know, colour spreads across so many industries! Today I want to share that Marta and I are designing some projects and Events we'll communicate to you soon, and I hope they can be of your interest!

As for myself I'm in shifting mood that has its reflection in my blogs and website:  a more neat typography, new Logo and new Brand Colours that are still under consideration. La Colorista® will go on, of course, but under my very own name, Isabel de Yzaguirre, which means assuming more personal responsability.

Summer is a good time for changes, they say, and so it is for me... 
Keep tuned for new announcements soon!


  1. Presiento mucho entusiasmo en tu esquina, Me Likey!

  2. ¡Muchas gracias, Iris! ¡Un fuerte abrazo desde este lado del planeta!
